Windermere Family Day Care Educators - Profile Form

The information you provide within this form will be used to create your personal flyer, online profile and any other advertising in line with the Windermere Family Day Care marketing strategy. Once complete, you will receive a copy of your flyer to approve.

You can view an examples of other online profiles by visiting,au/familydaycare

Personal Details

Your street number will not be displayed anywhere, on the website a map will show roughly where you’re located.

*You will be contacted prior to any social media posting to confirm images and details. Individual posts are not guaranteed.

About You

Your Service Details

Include variations for specific days if applicable
Please select those applicable to your business

Personalised Flyer

If you selected yes, please provide 1 photo, at a minimum size of 1MB. Please ensure your image has a white or plain background, and includes your head and sholders. 


Social Media Promotion

If you would like to have your profile considered for social media promotion, please provide up to 3 photos, each a minimum size of 1MB. Choose photos that:

  • are in focus / not blurry (tip: don’t use zoom).

  • are not dark (tip: take photos outside).

  • are of activities/playing.

  • do not show children's faces (do not blur or cover faces with emojis) - we suggest photos taken from behind, above or of children's hands during an activity.


Extra Information